As a result of all things stressful, I did a Vivian and went for a big splurge... on a laptop. Lol~ It wasn't
really an impulse buy since I've been saving and looking at them for about a year. Got it for a pretty decent price and souped it up heaps to handle my (not-yet-existant) music production. It's about as heavy as a small house and the USB slots are so tight I feel like I'm breaking something... but I still love it.
Ooh... Special delivery~


Lol~ Everybody (Viv/Viv = Everybody?) told me to get the purple, but it was too dull for me, although I think it would suit someone who was more elegant and classy. On the other hand... RED!!!!!!!!!!!!
Looks good.... what are the specs? :/
nice, where abts did u get it? i think i might need a new one too cos mine has been crashing heaps lately (blue screen of death). i thought u mite have got a pink ibook or red ferrari laptop (to go with ur ferrari jacket) hehe...
th ngs
someth ngs
hmm interesting. i think my H key might be broken
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