Them: Sif you'd go shopping if you can go to the beach...
Us: Sif you'd go to the beach if you can go shopping...
Well I'm sure the beach was heaps of fun, but here's a little recount of our shopping adventure today.
Girl Power + extreme shopping + BOXING DAY SALES + Britney = 1000 x AWESOMES
Frank = Crying
So the plan was to meet at Ness' place at 8:30 this morning and then we'd go to Carindale for a full day of retail therapy. However, my day began at about 8:32 when I received a phone call from Ness...
Max: *rubs eyes* Hello...?
Ness: Oh hi Max! We were just wondering if you were still coming today...
Fail. But I quickly put on some (strategically planned) clothes and bolted out the door:
- Black singlet for layering... or conveniently trying on clothes in the middle of the store
- Jeans to go with almost everything
- Handsfree shopping-friendly messenger bag
- Marathon-friendly shoes
Bargain hunting begins at 0900 hours...
Sales at David Jones
50% OFF
Us: YAY!!!!!!
Original Price: $500
Sale Price: $250
Frank: WTH?! This is not my idea of a sale. My idea of a sale is like $2 shirts... :(
Myer Madness
Ness: Okay, let's split up.
Max: Yeah, just keep your phone on.
Mini Adventure 1 - Checkout Racing
*Max and Ness meet up again*
Max: What's with these kilometre long queues?
Ness: I reckon! We're gonna be here forever!
Max: Start lining up, I'll go see if the line at electrical appliances is shorter...
*5 minutes later*
Max: No luck, it's just as bad over there.
Ness: ... *moved 30cm forward since Max left* Maybe you should line up in that queue coz they have two people on registers.
Max: IT'S ON. I'LL RACE YOU. *starts lining up*
*15 min later, Max actually gets to the checkout first despite Ness' headstart*
Max: Come over to this line, we can put it through together.
Ness: Nice!
Max: Do you have Myer One?
Ness: Huh? No.
Max: You can use mine then.
Ness: Nice!
Max: You don't get any discount. But I get your points.
Ness: :(
Woman Behind Us: OMGWHAT'SYOURFRIGGINPROBLEMHURRYUP!!!!!!!!! *barges in between us and throws her pile of clothes onto Ness*
Ness: :(
Mini Adventure 2 - Losing Frank
Enough said.
Stressed Out Shoppers
Extreme shopping is not for the faint hearted as it can be quite overwhelming. I felt a bit distressed myself when I was in Myer, surrounded by masses of people, neverending merchandise displays and angry signs everywhere. But we came across an extreme case where a woman was quarrelling with her 30 year old son outside a shop...
Mum: Why... why can't you just...
*keeeeeep walking and avooooooid eye contact*
Lunch Break
Ness packed us gourmet buns for lunch and we also had Auntie Christine's legendary fruit cake. So! Much! Yummy! Plus, less money spent on food means more money to spend on clothes! WEEEEEE~~~ As we stood up to leave, people raced for our seats, like they literally sat down behind our bums lol.
Mission: Don't Lose Frank
Ness: Okay, let's split up again.
Max: Yeah and make sure you keep your phones on this time...
Frank: It was on! There was just no reception at Myer!
Max: Okay, keep your phones on but if we're really stuck, just meet here at the entrance when you're done.
*Max and Ness meet up again, Max calls Frank*
Frank: *picks up* ..........................................hello.
Max: Um, we're done.
Frank: ............................................oh okay.
Max: So, are you done yet?
Frank: Uh...................................yeah.
Max: We'll meet you at the entrance okay?
Frank: I'm at the section with the wefoijwelfjwlfj...
Max: What? Where are you?
Frank: I'm at the section wi...
Max: Just meet me at the entrance. *hangs up*
Max to Ness: Man, Frank isn't very good at talking fast on the phone.
By now, Frank is totally exhausted. Later on we find out she was thinking, "OMGSH I don't even CARE what's in these stores anymore!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" You see, extreme shopping is not for the faint hearted. But faint hearted I am not. Nor is Ness. So as we left Carindale...
Ness: Let's go to Garden City! They have Dotti and Bardot and...
Frank: *cries*
Extreme Pear
I hear you asking, what is this extreme pear? Let me explain...
Max = 8w + 12h
(And I don't mean width and height...)
Max + Pencil Skirt = Fail
Harvest Time
And here are the fruits of our labour... well, these are my fruits anyway!
So when are we going to DFO again girls? ;)
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