Tuesday, August 19, 2008


Extremely high-heeled shoes, such as those higher than 5", are normally worn only for aesthetic reasons and are not considered practical.

Thanks for that enlightening piece of information, Detective Wiki. The notion of high heels is quite simply a paradox. My heart says yes, but my head says no... and my feet heartily agree with the latter. So what's so great about these damned little daggers anyway? They induce high levels of discomfort, they increase the probability of stacking it, and my podiatrist has me on a blacklist.

Well let's take a look at some pretty pictures with long, medical words to strengthen the validity of my analysis. For those of us who never made it into medicine, please refer to the diagram on the right. *click to enlarge*

*sigh* I love heels, but I think I'm just too unco to wear them... all the time.

Figure 1.1 is a graphical representation of the inverse relationship between heel height and the survival rate of passengers in Max's car.


Anonymous said...

heels are unfortunately a social trend that has spread from a fortunate small number to an unfortunate large scale. and by heels i mean the 'daggers on ya shoes', not heels as in ankles.

i think they are probably one of the stupidest things invented, even if they look nice

i mean...who sticks daggers to their feet?

Anonymous said...

they don't even look that nice, they just make people taller.
heels were invented for women to tower over tom cruise.

fanny dong said...

ewww anatomy pictures *runs away (in heels)*

Anonymous said...

haha, somebody is going to have lower back problems later in life. btw, there was a stiletto race in sydney that was on the news. wtf???


Jacky said...

the revised anatomy pic is so hilarious.

max so should have done medicine.

on a serious note, people wearing heels makes me sad.